Author Guidelines and Template
Constitutional Review Journal is a medium intended to disseminate research or conceptual analysis on constitutional court decisions all over the world. The journal is published twice a year in May and December. Articles published focus on constitutions, constitutional court decisions, and topics on constitutional law that have not been published elsewhere. The journal is aimed for experts, academicians, researchers, practitioners, state officials, non-governmental organizations, and observers of constitutional law.
Board of Editors of the Constitutional Review Journal invite those who are interested to submit articles based on the criteria above and the manuscript submitted must conform to author guidelines as stated below.
- Manuscripts have to be written in English.
- The translation of any foreign language in body text, footnotes, and bibliography need to be added (in a bracket) after the sentence/word in foreign language.
Foreign language in bibliography:
Corte Costituzionale Italiana [Italian Constitutional Court]. Sent. 194/2013 Giudizio di legittimità costituzionale in via principale [Judgment on question of constitutionality] No. 194/2013 (July 17, 2013).
Foreign language in footnote:
Carlo Azeglio Ciampi, Intervento del Presidente della Repubblica Carlo Azeglio Ciampi in occasione della consegna delle medaglie d’oro ai benemeriti della cultura e dell’arte [Speech of the President of the Italian Republic Carlo Azeglio Ciampi on the delivery of the Gold Medals for Culture and Arts merit], May 5, 2003.
Foreign language in body text:
Therefore, the founding fathers of the Indonesian Constitution made the Negara Kesatuan [Unitary State] the central feature of the new Indonesian statehood, as it is set out most prominently in article 1(1)6 and 25A.
- The authors who are not native speakers of English need to seek the assistance of a native speaker to proofread their articles before submitting them to the committee.
- Manuscripts submitted must be original scientific writings and do not contain elements of plagiarism.
- Submitted manuscripts have not been published elsewhere. The manuscripts are also not under consideration in any publishers.
- The length of the manuscripts including footnotes are around 8000-10.000 words.
- Manuscripts are written in A4 paper, 12 point Times New Roman, 1.5 space and written in standard and correct grammatical language.
- The references of the manuscript should use at least 15 international journal article. The author could refer to the Constitutional Review (ConsRev) Journal as the additional international references to : - Main headings, sub-headings, and sub-sub-headings of the article should be numbered in the manuscript with the following example:
- Main Heading
1.1. Sub-heading
1.1.1. Sub-sub-heading - Main Heading
- Main Heading
- The following is the structure of the journal:
- Title
- Title of manuscripts should be specific and concise in no more than 10 words or 90 hits on the key pad which describes the content of the article comprehensively.
- It is typed by using Times New Roman 16, upper case, alignment: center text.
- Identity
- The identity covers the author’s name, affiliation, and e-mail address.
- The name is typed under the title by using Times New Roman 12, bold, alignment: center text then put asterisk after the name.
- The content of the asterisk is about short explanation of the author(s), could be short biography (short bio) or gratitude, and placed in a footnote. Example:
Example of identity with the asterisk:Example of the explanation of the asterisk:
- Abstract
- The abstract should be written vividly, full and complete which describes the essence of the content of the whole writing in one paragraph.
- Font: Times New Roman, font size: 12, alignment: justify text, space: 1.5, margin: Normal.
- Total words: 200 words - 350 words.
- Keywords
- Preceded by the word “Keyword” in bold style (Keywords).
- Font: Times New Roman, font size: 12, lower case, alignment: justify text.
- Selected keywords have to denote the concept of the article in 3-5 terms (horos).
- Body
The body of the manuscript should cover introduction, method, analysis and discussion, and conclusion.
- Introduction: It presents a clear information concerning the issue that will be discussed in the manuscript. The background of the article is presented in this section. The end of the introduction should be finished by stating the signification and the objective/aim of the article.
- Method: It is an optional section for articles which are based on research.
- Analysis and discussion: Analysis and discussion are presented continuously. It provides the elaboration of the result of your article.
- Conclusion: This section is the most important section of your article. It contains the overall explanation of your article. It should be clear and concise.
- Reference: The paper needs to cover at least 10 articles from reputable journal. Our reference uses The Chicago Manual of Style (CMS). Consult to: /
- Example of Table:
- Title