The Role of The Indonesian Constitutional Court in Preventing Social Conflict in A Diverse Society

Rosa Ristawati, Radian Salman


In the diverse society of Indonesia, the Constitutional Court plays a vital role in maintaining social harmony and preventing social conflict. Although this contribution is largely indirect, the Court exerts significant influence through its decisions. Since its establishment in 2003, the Court has rendered over 1,000 decisions, many of which carry profound implications for Indonesian society. This article addresses how the Constitutional Court, through its decisions, has contributed to mitigating social conflicts and fostering equilibrium within the nation’s diversity. To analyze this main issue, a normative approach grounded in the nation’s laws and the Constitutional Court’s decisions will be employed. Several decisions, especially on judicial reviews and election disputes, will be examined to illustrate the Court’s role in minimizing social conflict. From a social theory perspective, the study of social conflict has relevance in the context of law and society, given the potential for various types of conflicts in Indonesia’s diverse society. The legal basis for addressing social conflicts in Indonesia is the 2007 Law on Social Conflict Management. According to this law, social conflicts may arise from various factors, including political issues, economic disparities, socio-cultural differences, inter-religious or inter-ethnic tensions, disputes over boundaries at the village, regency/municipal, or provincial levels, conflicts related to natural resources, and disparities in the distribution of these resources within society. The Constitutional Court indirectly plays a role in preventing social conflicts. Nevertheless, the Court faces challenges in fulfilling this role. Pressures from various parties and interests may hinder its ability to ensure constitutional justice, potentially compromising its principles of independence and impartiality in fulfilling its mandate.


Constitutional Court; Court Decisions; Diversity; Judicial Independence; Social Conflicts

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